“What we are thinking about is a
peaceful planet, we're not thinking about anything else. We're not
thinking about any kind of power; we're not thinking about any of
those kind of struggles; we're not thinking about revolution or war
or any of that. That's not what we want. Nobody wants to get hurt;
nobody wants to hurt anybody. We would all like to be able to live
an uncluttered life, a simple life, a good life, y'know, and think
about moving the human race ahead a step, or a few steps.” - Jerry
Garcia (March 1967)
Perhaps the US government should have
listened to the hippies alternative, instead of pumping the scene
full of drugs,and killing off any threat to their order. Imagine....a different world order, how things could
have been, would we be in the shit we are in now if different values
and morals had been promoted and followed at a political level? It's
all irrelevant really, because things are as they are, but what is
relevant, is.... that is how the powers that we let be like it to be,
it is how they have made it be because they don't like 'the
alternative' they start wars against difference in order to 'spread
democracy' and for economic gain.
A 'special relationship' with America
has seen Britain get involved with things that have, or had nothing
to do with us. I don't recall any Islamist terrorist attacks in
Britain before our involvement in George Bush's war on terror.
Over a week has passed since the
Killing of Drummer/Soldier Lee Rigby by Islamist terrorists on a
street in Woolwich, London. Whats been happening, well the flowers
grew and grew in a Princes Di moment of grief and mourning as people
paid tribute to the soldier at the spot he was killed.
One of the terrorists said they wanted
to start a war on the streets of London. Promptly and right on cue,
The EDL (English Defence League) took to 'our streets' and UAF (Unite
Against Fascism) came to defend them from 'Nazis' The BNP have also
crawled out of the woodwork and taken to the streets. Then news came
in that there has been an increase in attacks/assaults against
Muslims. A Mosque was fire-bombed when the culprits were caught it
tuns out they were former soldiers. Muslim prisoners take a guard
hostage amid claims they had been forced to pray for the dead
soldier. What was originally described as a 'lone wolf attack' has
resulted in ten arrests.
An Islamic Cultural centre has been
burned down, and the letters EDL were spray painted on the wall, does
this mean they were responsible? Who knows, it's the same as the war
memorial that had the word Islam daubed on it, does that mean it was
done by a Muslim? Not necessarily, it could just be a case of trying
to put the blame on to others in order to keep the fires of hatred
burning on both sides. Sometimes things are not what they seem and
there are unseen forces at work that manipulate situations for their
own ends. Truth is the first casualty of war.
Donations for the Help For Heroes
charity have increased since the attack, saving the government having
to take any responsibility for their actions in sending soldiers to
their death and disfigurement. In response to the attack the
government have set up a task force to “tackle extremism” and
there have been calls for increased surveillance of peoples internet
and email use; a snoopers charter that will do nothing to stop
another attack against our freedom/democracy happening, still there's
always the task force to “tackle extremism” who's gonna be the
tsar of that? Jim Davidson.
Just remember what ever new laws are
passed in the wake of Woolwich will be there for ever, and will be
available to enforce by whatever government is in power at the time.
The EDL and UAF are different sides to the same coin. Heads you win,
tails you lose, it all depends on what your definition of extremism
is, and the sort of society you want to live in, which is dictated by
whoever is in power. The only threat to our freedoms are the people
that accept and believe everything they are told by the powers that
they let be.
It turns out that not only were MI5
aware of one of the terrorists, but they had tried to get him to work
for them. This came out in a television interview with one of the
attackers friends, who was promptly arrested after he left the
studio. The same attacker had been detained in Kenya a few years ago
on his way to a terror training camp in Somalia. Kenyan authorities
reported their concerns and his detention to Britain’s security
services, It as also been reported that a SAS team was ready to
rescue him from his Kenyan captors. Perhaps he was working for them
on the streets of Woolwich? The leading actor in a terrorist drama
played out to create instability, uncertainty and paranoia.
One final thing, just to prove that the
lunatics really have taken over the asylum is the news that the arms
embargo against European countries supplying weapons to Syria has
been lifted and there has been talk of Britain arming the rebel
fighters, forgetting the fact that the rebels are made up of many
factions including Al Qaeda fighters. So lets get this
straight....Over ten years ago our government embarked on a war
against terror and now it is considering supplying weapons to forces
that may include the very people their war on terror has been
against. We will never win the war on terror, because every
government response/reaction to an attack threatens our civil
liberties and democratic freedoms. The more we meddle in the affairs
of others, the more they will hate us and want to attack us. The
more people that live in fear and ignorance of others cultures values
and faith the more divided society becomes....just the way that they
want it to be, to them there is no alternative