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Yesterdays news is still today's truth!

They only tell us what they want us to know.....An Anti Austerity Demo gathered outside the BBC headquarters in London the other weekend, ...





Sunday 6 March 2011

MAYDAY! MAYDAY! The Workers Are Under Attack!

So the powers that we let be are talking of moving the Mayday Bank holiday in order to extend the tourist season???? Apparently Britain is lagging behind Germany and France in attracting visitors. How moving the Mayday Bank holiday to Oct is gonna help makes absolutely no sense to me, but what it does mean is that we will lose a historic celebration, and replace it with a new state sanctioned celebration of Englishness Day. The history of Mayday can be traced back to pagan times
Dancing round the Maypole and Morris Dancers are part of the tradition, (now there’s an idea for the opening ceremony of the London Olympics.) It also coincides with the International Workers Day celebrations on 1st May. Why not have an extra Bank Holiday instead? So what if the economy loses money because people had an extra day off work each year, after all British workers work longer hours than those in say France and Germany, but no our Government would rather continue the tradition of taking things away from the workers, rather than giving them something back, and they tell us that this is an era of new politics! Bollocks!! It’s just the same as it ever was, and will continue to be as long as we let it be. Workers of Britain and Morris Dancers Unite!

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