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Yesterdays news is still today's truth!

They only tell us what they want us to know.....An Anti Austerity Demo gathered outside the BBC headquarters in London the other weekend, ...





Thursday 11 September 2008

11th Sept. Great. Lest we forget the ‘Twin Towers’, fat chance of that; what with all the increased security/surveillance and new anti terror laws that the government has introduced over the last seven years. Our freedoms are being infringed and the people are sold this under the guise of security and protecting our freedoms, well I’m sorry but the terrorists have already won, when these new laws are abused by local authorities in their pursuit of people not recycling their rubbish. What about the recent terrorist trial and the alleged plot to blow up planes with liquid explosives? The jury reached it’s decision and couldn’t find the defendants guilty of this charge; because there was no evidence that they had actually planned to do this. But no, the government aint happy and are proposing a re-trial, to try and find them guilty of this charge; where’s the justice in that? Terrorism wins again! and passengers still face restrictions to what liquids they can take on planes in the interests of our freedom and national security.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That terrorism trail was an interesting one. Was it a case of a Jury failing to understand the complexities of the prosecution? Or the people sending a message to the powers that be that this has all gone too far and we are now living in a ‘Big Brother’ state? My personal Jury is still out.