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Yesterdays news is still today's truth!

They only tell us what they want us to know.....An Anti Austerity Demo gathered outside the BBC headquarters in London the other weekend, ...





Friday, 25 July 2008

A POST WIV NO........

Since starting this new job of mine, I seem to have become a bit brain dead. The job aint mind numbing, in fact as jobs go, it’s quite interesting and loads less stress than the previous employment. It’s also loads less money, but hey as that old cliché goes “Money aint everything.” too right, and if people believe what the media tells them; they’re gonna be unemployed and skint because they’ve only got enough savings to last 40 days if things carry on the way they are going. The fear factor, works every time; keeps us chained to the machine, some tighter than others though. Any way I’ve digressed, where was I……fuck it!……….I’ve lost my train of thought, too many bottles of lager, and getting sucked in by the Manic Street Preachers The Holy Bible, what an album, it says things in a way I never could, and musically it just rocks. Every home should have a copy, if you haven’t got a copy I’d like to know why, but here; have one on me. Shit! Done it again…digressed and lost my train of thought……….”Compton / Harlem / a pimp fucked a priest / the white man has found a new moral saviour” That’s it Barack Obamas trip to Europe, maan! that must have pissed off those New World Order Right Wing Conservative assholes. He’s going around like he’s won the election, with his educated and articulate talk of change, trust and co-operation , and lets face it; after that bumbling, lying idiot Bush, the world needs something different, and! just to rub their White Anglo Saxon Protestant noses in it a bit more.. he’s black! like those that they left to drown in New Orleans. What else was I gonna say? That it’s gonna take more than a young black man becoming the US President to free the world, when people across the globe have become slaves to the American Dream. Probably!

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