Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Here's something visual to go with whats been posted on some excellent blogs recently. Go to the CHECK OUT THESE ! list to yer left and go through it. They're just a click away, you'll find the ones I'm talkin' about. The 80's were a time of a truly divided nation, when music really was 'alternative' and 'independent' didn't mean being dependent on Sony. Subcultures ruled; anarcho-punk, Oi, Goth, Post-Punk, Positive Punk. Each with a distinct look that wasn't available off the rail at Top Shop. CND, Anti-Nazi League, Red Wedge, Stop The City etc ruled the streets. Margaret Thatcher was in power with her extreme economic policies, which have left us in the mess we are now, individuals rule, the collective has been consumed, and at times it feels like there is 'no society.' It's down to us all to start creating a new society, we all have a part to play where ever we are, however old we are, in the search for a new global sensibility. So keep on keeping on: Higlander,Annie, Slobodan, John, Curious, Fritz. To you the readers, start spreading the word and listen to some good musik while yer doing it, because, WE ARE NOT ALONE !
No.5 of 16 LORDS OF THE NEW CHURCH - Open Your Eyes http://www.sendspace.com/file/20xmzg
Monday, 26 February 2007
More SCUM rising to the surface.

Saturday, 24 February 2007

Friday, 23 February 2007

Thursday, 22 February 2007
Banks ripping us off. Getting charged for not using credit cards or paying off outstanding balance. They want people to be in debit, cos they've spent the money on a futile war. Now they need to raise 75 million to replace the Cruise Missiles.
Celebrities selling us their Rehab pain, misery and depression.
A decaying democracy, a corpse called Britain, where the only freedom that isn't being taken away is the freedom to choose what to consume.
We're told that obesity is a problem, yet in every town there are hundreds of places to eat.
Confront and challenge ! Passive acceptance or Active participation ?
Change happens slowly, but will never happen by doing nothing and saying nothing. The more that happens the more we will be treated as nothing. Follow no leaders, use your own moral compass to find direction out of the darkness.
Wednesday, 21 February 2007
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
TV SMITH - Live @ The Klub Wiv No Name, Stevenage. 1/10/93

Monday, 19 February 2007
FROM GUNS TO BUTTER. (The 3rd Way to a 4th Reich)

Friday, 16 February 2007
NOT SO GREAT BRITAIN ! A response to the recent UNICEF Report on Childrens well being across 21 Industrialised Nations.

Thursday, 15 February 2007
EVERYTHING MUST GO (Remembering Richey)

MANIC STREET PREACHERS - Live @ The Marquee Club 4/9/91 http://www.sendspace.com/file/vgyjd0
Monday, 12 February 2007
Sunday, 11 February 2007

Cameron and Cannabis. If he comes clean and says "yes I did inhale" I can see him going far. Because what is lacking in our society is truth, honesty and integrity. Why should people hold those values when their leaders don't ?
Saturday, 10 February 2007

ZOUNDS - 1979 Demo. 1)War 2)Daddy 3)I Just Wanna Be Loved 4) War(Dub)
Friday, 9 February 2007
Thursday, 8 February 2007
Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

THE CLASH - Hamburg, May 1980 http://www.sendspace.com/file/c2zh5k
Sunday, 4 February 2007

Saturday, 3 February 2007

From the ashes of left wing Marxist punks Crisis rose Death In June. Accusations of the band being Fascists soon began to surface, (strange as if Hitler hated any one more than the Jews it was the Communists.) It all stemmed from an article in a 1984 issue of Private Eye by James Nice, who used to write to the band a lot he'd been given information by the band, and constructed an article taking lyrics out of context and using misconstrued information. Death In June defended themselves "The new Judas worth £35. If people want to think that we are Nazis there is nothing in the world that will make them change their minds. Tunnel vision and ignorance rules supreme. What a waste of time. Cheap lies and betrayal." The band did themselves no favours as a review in NME of a gig they did at the 100 Club pointed out "The worrying thing is onstage they are frighteningly real, daggers hanging from hips, SS deathheads on shirts, far too glamorous" I can testify to that as I was there, and they were powerful not just in image but in their music as well, which was an atmospheric collage of, dark pounding rhythms with a brooding intensity in the lyrics of doom, decay and death in the world....'We paid in blood for a free Europe' So there you have it. Nazis or not ? make up yer own minds. Originally released in 1983 The Guilty Have No Pride may or may not hold the answer. But while you listen to this lost classic just remember; it can happen again if we ignore the lessons of history, or if we fail to act like the NATO peace keepers in Bosnia. The power is with the media and their propaganda, in times of social crisis voters turn to the right for answers. You only have to take a look around and read the press to see that the fight against the fascists is far from finished and how fascism manifests itself in many forms.
DEATH IN JUNE - The Guilty Have No Pride http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QC9JJJPK
Friday, 2 February 2007
Thursday, 1 February 2007