If Stevenage had a sound, then this
would be it; Discordant and Disjointed just like the council estates
that make up England's first New town. It's from here, a place where
“nothing happens except nothingness” that Bad Breeding come from,
they have been described in some quarters (NME and The Guardian) as
“The Best New Punk Band in Britain.” but hey who believes what
they read in the press? Never mind that, take it from me Bad
Breeding are something special, a band taking a stand and doing
things their way on their terms, this is no corporate cock sucking
retro bullshit; this is the now. Bad Breeding’s self titled debut album is a
stark statement of intent, a Punk Rock symphony in sixteen parts, a
soundtrack to closing factories and steel mills, celebrity culture
and aspirations in a divided unequal society run by a government
whose moral compass is pointing nowhere. It is a state of the nation
address to a nation in a state, where things need addressing. It is
the sound of the gory days of 1980's Thatchers Britain fast forwarded
to the future were after Thirty Six years nothing politically or
socially has changed, if anything things have got worse. Musically
think Crass, Flux of Pink Indians with a (dot)dash of Wire fed into
the music blender, which has produced a sound akin to a full scale
riot. This is angular and angry stuff; with a capital A! music to
smash shit up to!! Bad Breeding have taken raging against the
machine to another level, but it isn't a mindless thrash, it's
intelligent stuff with words that say and mean something:
“Sick of being tied to your
institution / Fumbling around for a moment of clarity / Punch drunk
from every conflicting demand / I blame myself, blame you, blame
everyone//” Bad Breeding speak out for and to a new
generation of dispossessed, disadvantaged and discriminated against
in a divided we are all in this together (like fuck we are) society.
This album is the sound of dissatisfaction and de(con)struction. A
relentless roar of rage and frustration with every vocal breath,
often struggling to be heard above the barrage of buzz saw guitar
that drills into yer skull and the pounding, pummelling bass and
drums which shake your spine. The individual songs bleed into each
other with feedback and white noise stitching them together to create
a seamless and tuneful cacophony that needs to be heard, and demands
the listeners attention. This is uncompromising, challenging and
confrontational. Fast and frantic, full on and furious. A total
onslaught and assault on the senses. Music to torture
Tories with; Cameron and his cronies need capturing, locking in a
room and forced to listen to this at full volume on repeat play until
their ears fucking bleed and their heads explode!. This album
is Bad Breeding’s truth, and the truth hurts. Extreme music for
extreme times when the walls really need shaking. The kids of today
have got everything, yet they have nothing. What they really need is
some Bad Breeding in their lives. It's the future, Turning
nothingness into something.“Stevenage Calling to the underworld,
come out of the cupboards all you boys and girls.” Keeping it real
and sticking it to the man rather than selling out to him, Bad
Breeding have made their debut album free to download Right Here,
Right Now....RIOT ON!

In the wake of the success of 'left-field'
bands like Sleaford Mods and Slaves, and the continued support of
mainstream music media Bad Breeding could become The Most Important
Punk Band band in Britain. Giving the yoof of today a parental
guidance free band that matter!