With this being the last post for a week, thought I'd leave you all with a question for discussion. Leave answers in the comment box.
Who makes all the waste and rubbish. The producer or the consumer?
A Kombat Blog! Huffing! and Puffing! trying to blow the house down! Spitting in the face of these badlands! Raging against the dying of the light! Preaching to the converted? Converting the preached to? A challenge to the intellect? or Intellectually challenged? Totally Random! Creative Chaos! Is it art? music? Politics? or Yarbles!?
They only tell us what they want us to know.....An Anti Austerity Demo gathered outside the BBC headquarters in London the other weekend, ...
STIV BATORS & JIMMY PURSEY, two great frontmen in unlikely pairing; jamming somewhere, sometime in Los Angeles. Helped out by Kim Fowey and The Runaways these 3 tracks: LA,LA/Blues/Factory Boys// are slightly ruff sounding but an interesting curiosity. Not a patch on Sham, Dead Boys or Lords of New Church. Have a listen, it's just a click away: THE DARK, from Isllington, London, blink and you missed them released 5 singles and 2 albums between 1980-82. Their sound matured from a pop punk, to a Damned style goth in that time, but sadly they split. Seen little of their stuff on the web, so thought I'd sort that out. These 6 tracks are all their singles plus one b-side, recommended listening, punk but with a difference. The Masque is a classic and available with just one click: http://s19.quicksharing.com/v/1338342/THE_DARK.rar.html
The Barracudas hit the streets, or the beach underneath the pavements in 1980, providing a welcome change to listening to Crass, The Clash etc. Alright their only hit 'Summer Fun' was a bit novelty, but the album it was taken from Drop Out With The Barracudas was ace. Jeremy Gluck and Robin Willis had both been floating about during the punk days, but took a different form of self expression with their 'surf and destroy' sound. Dropped by their record company, the band released records on a variety of smaller labels including Flicknife in Britain and Closer in France. Their sound had evolved into a more garagey clatter akin to The Flamin' Groovies, Chris Wilson from the band had joined The Barracudas. Saw them a couple of times in 1984, they were a great live act. Then they disappeared into the pit of cult status and forgotten great bands. Jeremy Gluck released a album with Nikki Sudden, but that was about it, until 2005 when this self titled album was released, only stumbled upon it on some music download site last week. Haven't stopped playing it since. It rocks! If yer into Thunders, The Ramones, Nikki Sudden etc this is a must, if not give it a go, there will be at least one track you like, and it aint gonna cost you. It's just a click away: http://s19.quicksharing.com/v/8333622/THE_BARRACUDAS_The_Barracudas.rar.html
Just what has puppet actor Tony Blur done in 10 years ? He's lied and deceived us with every bullshit broadcast he's made. He's cost us cash while telling us the economy is doing great, as interest rates rise. He's left the elderly lying on hospital trolleys in corridors for days while robbing their pensions. He's saturated the country with CCTV while crime on the streets has risen. Innocent people have died for him in a war that wasn't theirs, as a result a whole raft of laws that infringe civil liberties have been introduced. He's filled the House of Lords with cronies who gave him enough cash. He's closed down schools to build academies of learning, built affordable housing for those that can't afford it. He's given us more spin than if you put that god damn 'Things can only get better' record on at 78rpm. But at least we've got the Olympics to look forward to, that is until it's time for us to pay for 'em. Ooops nearly forgot, he brought peace to Northern Ireland, well the reality is that he only finished off the work the Conservatives had started. In fact throughout his premiershit New Labour have continued the right wing work of the Tory party toward the ultimate Totalitarian Democracy, where people think and feel they are free but in reality they are not. Nobody gets a real say in how the country is ruInED, not that we should expect to when after all the government aren't getting a real say in who's gonna be their leader and our Prime Minister. Brown, the colour of shit. The same shit just from a different arsehole.
The missing child in Portugal, there are a few things pissing me off about the medias coverage of it; other than their usual vicarious coverage of family trying to cope with it all. "You can't imagine how they must be feeling", "They're both looking tired and drawn" blah, blah, blah. Others suffering eases our own, and makes us realise how lucky we are that it wasn't us, because according to the media it could have quite easily have happened to any parents, as we have all left our children alone or considered it. I'm sorry when my daughter was 3 the thought never entered mine or my partners heads, any way I thought there was a law in Britain that said you couldn't leave a child under a certain age alone at home. I also wonder what the medias reaction would have been if the parents weren't 'professional people' and say just for example it had been a single unemployed mum from a council estate having a drink in the bar? would she have been criticised for being an irresponsible parent? Lastly the attitude towards the Portuguese police, who the media say are not doing the job right and as well as the British police would be. Well, this sort of situation may well be new to the Portuguese authorities, but I'm sure they're doing the best they can with the resources they've got. Anyway, excuse me, but surely when you travel abroad you would expect to receive the standard of service that the country you are visiting provides. Whether that is up to British standards is neither here nor there, just because a few Brits have colonised the Algarve it doesn't mean that it isn't still Portugal.
“Trust, faith, good, bad...non of it matters. All you ever do is what you have to do. Follow your desires, fulfil your needs, escape from pain. That's all there is to it.” - Kevin Brooks.
"Things you use; things you possess, and are possessed by; things you build with - bricks, words. You build houses with them, and towns, and causeways. But the buildings fall, the causeways cannot go all the way. There is an abyss, a gap, a last step to be taken." - Ursula Le Guin.
I took a walk and what did I see
Miles and miles of misery.
Down in the town they offer heaven
For all your pounds.
Get back home open up the bag
Then get the feeling you’ve been had.
Just more shit you didn’t need
Consumption feeds their fix for greed.