Bring back boredom....B'dum, B'dum. Well it's better than people being dumb. 'Cos that's what's happening. Everything is done for us/them, all in an instant. Nothing is left to the imagination. Films, video games everything is explained to the last detail in high tech surround sound and HD ready digital. If this is progress you can stick it up yer USB port. Nintendo Wi's, what the fuck are they about? If you wanna play tennis, get out of yer house and go to a tennis court and play a game with a real person. If you wanna kill someone, move away from the consul and get yerself a gun....hang on a minute isn't that's what's happening already? (but it's nothing to do with violent video games of course.) Erm...I suppose then you could say that all this gun crime is a result of people using their imagination and breaking the boredom by putting a bullet in someone....Nah, like I said at the beginning; people are being conditioned to be dumb, and have no grip on reality.