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Yesterdays news is still today's truth!

They only tell us what they want us to know.....An Anti Austerity Demo gathered outside the BBC headquarters in London the other weekend, ...





Sunday, 29 July 2018

THIS PLACE IS BURNING: Extreme Weather for an Extreme World!

Across the world humankind is killing itself; with knives, guns, bombs and farming implements. The sales of these weapons of mass destruction fund the global economy and fuel the murders, civil wars, drug wars and wars on terror that are going on throughout the world. It's all about the power and control!
Across the world mother nature is fighting back against manufactured mass pollution and historic weather cycles, all wrapped up by the global powers we let be as 'climate change'. Theories about weather modification gather momentum on the web, but are dismissed as pure conspiracy, despite several news stories about Russia and China attempting it, or is this 'fake news' Well the truth is that I can see the weather is changing, but I can't see humankind changing, for all the recycling and conservation people do, as developing countries....develop, the multi- nationals pump more waste into the land sea and air.
In America, Japan, Greece and Britain fires burn, people die and infrastructures come to a grinding halt! The futures bright, the future's what we make it, and during these 'Trouble Torn Times' lets see the streets really heat up, and see if stories of The British Army being prepared for action in the event of a No Deal Brexit is 'project fear, fake news or the truth. Take cover a Tsunami is coming!

Saturday, 28 July 2018


The older generations voted for a future they'll never see. The younger generations are gonna be living in a future they didn't want to see. Makes me proud to be British! As a No Deal Brexit gets closer, It's is the time for the now generation to wake up and think....What did I really vote for? And if what they get isn't what they wanted, they need to stand up and shout NO DEAL! The Left and Right should unite amongst and despite of their differences and fight together to build a Britain to be really proud of; a United Kingdom, not a disunited one....I'd rather dream than live in a nightmare!

Sunday, 1 July 2018

DONNY TAKES A TRIP by Fake News Corp

Fake News Corp is an alliance of disparate souls who wanted to manifest their opposition to the ‘alt-President of the USA’ in a rousing song. We can’t stop him coming to England but we do not welcome him. We disapprove of his racist, abusive, divisive activities and we object to his fascistic, bully-boy gang members. 

Whilst he travels freely to England he attempts to restrict the movements of others, whether from Mexico, South America or the Middle East. Alt-POTUS is a self-confessed abuser, a charity fraudster and a graceless lying bully. He has no manners and is dangerously happy in the company of the despots and dictators he admires so much.
We have created this work in order to add our voice to the millions of voices speaking out against greed, corruption, violence and cruelty, and speaking up for peace, cooperation, equality and truth.