Brainwashed, drugged, and seduced into servitude. This is a Cult(ure) people have consented to by their participation. Supply and Demand. People must be worn out from the constant competition, and surely the profiteers must have made enough money to stop needing anymore....Greed not need! Eat the Rich! These people are presented as images and lifestyles of how to be. Every suggestive and subliminal advert is a lie, a piece of propaganda, a brainwashing technique. The hidden persuaders. Cars give people freedom, but keep them trapped, big ticket items, credit, finance interest rates.
The planet and Mother Nature has had enough. Baking hot summers highest temperatures, coldest winters and record rainfall. pollution is a by product of the cheap products we buy from the new global economies China, Brazil etc. In their pursuit of economic progress, emissions targets are never aimed for. Climate change Extinction Rebellion. Extreme Weather, Extreme politics.