The UK Government has been forced into a U turn about large gatherings such as football matches, even though the FA had all ready cancelled fixtures. Waiting for the clampdown. Will there be new legislation to stop 'mass gatherings' Civil liberties and freedom of movement taken away in the name of our nations health. Non ‘essential contact’ with other people to stop the spread of the virus, what if people don't comply with the Governments request for people not to go out to places like the pub, especially as schools are still open. Is it a coincidence that if they were, then parents wouldn't be able to go to work, true that would include the police nurses and other vital services that may be needed during the crisis. Social engineering on an industrial scale.
The Coronavirus is a cull on the poor, the weak, the old and the vulnerable in society. It could also bring about economic collapse with people isolating themelves not being able to travel abroad, no large gatherings such as sporting events. UKplc is a service economy and needs tourists and people spending on the services such as pubs, clubs, eating places, hotels etc if the town centres are empty then...where else is there to go other than to unemployment, with businesses closing and jobs being lost, well not necessarily it could be a whole new labour market ready to be employed to do the jobs that will need doing in our post Brexit economy.
The Covid 19 situation is political, yes science and medicine offer solutions to the problem, but ultimately it is down to the politicians to make the decision on how to use the solutions and evidence to keep its citizens safe and secure, these are historic and extraordinary times with people imprisoned in their own homes and empty shelves in supermarkets because the media have got people so scared that they are panic buying and stock piling like it's the end of days.
There many out there that aren't happy with how the government are dealing with the crisis. Not shutting schools There are Conspiracy Theories; The world is over populated. A global clampdown, a biological attack, social engineering. Take your pick there's probably some truth in all of them. We are living in a monumental times where the solutions are either gonna be Authoritarian or Altruistic, it will all be down to the people either working together for the good of the whole, or if they act like idiots then....the shit will really hit the fan if the state has to impose control to get people to do the right thing, if it is the right thing. Who knows? I ain’t no expert only time and the body count will be able to judge if our Government got it right!