Friday, 30 November 2007
THE APOSTLES - Alive in 83 'From Camden to Hackney' Blow it Up, Burn it Down, Kick it Till it Breaks

Thursday, 29 November 2007


Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Sunday, 25 November 2007
THE PACK - Dead Ronin

Saturday, 24 November 2007
Friday, 23 November 2007

Thursday, 22 November 2007
Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Tuesday, 20 November 2007
THE REDSKINS - The Power is Yours (Live in 1985)

Monday, 19 November 2007
Sunday, 18 November 2007

Be afraid, be very afraid. Fear is a control mechanism, based on the power of threats. From the mugger to the politician, they are all the same. They prey on insecurity, and fear. “There is nothing to fear but fear itself” Take control, take a stand, do nothing and they win. Muggers think the streets are theirs, politicians think the country is theirs. Well I’ve got news for you, (and this aint Murdoch propaganda) it is our land, our world, our lives, and they are becoming increasingly more controlled and constrained by fear. Not a genuine fear but a manufactured fear based on government statistics and audits expanded and distorted by the mass media and presented in a framework, were our lives are under constant threat from attack by terrorists and muggers. Knowledge is power, ignorance is bliss and fear is the states best friend.
JOHNNY THUNDERS - "I Guess The Boys Missed The Train" (Live @ The Fulham Greyhound, London 2/9/84)

Saturday, 17 November 2007
It's another lightning raid!


Right then folks, it seems the last Seers post went down well judging by the comments. So here's their second single, released in 1986, (fuck that's 21 years ago; where does the time go?) on their own and wonderfully named SkullFuck Records. It's a 3 track affair: Freedom Trip/Don't Bring Me Down/I'll Say Nothing. As a little bonus I've included Flyaway, which was released on flexi disc and given away with Bucketfull Of Brains Fanzine. There ya go, that's me all seered out, time to take a Freedom Trip.
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Monday, 12 November 2007
Totally Random Music Postings #3

Like the Sex Pistols 15 years before them FABULOUS arrived on a musical scene alien to them. The year was 1991 Britain was gripped in ecstasy fueled youth culture, "A generation of cripples!" as lead singer and part time NME scribe Simon Dudfield declared to a bemused Flowered Up audience. The band courted controversy wherever they went in their hand painted Austin Maxi with "Arrest Me" daubed on the boot, peddling their snotty brash take on punk rock, on a road mission to "Ram it up yer" Anyway, their 15 minutes ran out a long while ago, their manager James Brown's lasted longer; he went on to edit 'lads mag' Loaded, but I digress. Back to the music, these 3 tracks: Personality Recession/Everythings Fine/Destined to be Free were released on 12" by Heavenly Records and produced by Miles 'cockney rhyming slang' Hunt from the Wonder Stuff (don't let that put you off) cos they are great slabs of Punk Rawk. Get 'em here.
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Saturday, 10 November 2007
iDIOT phoneYS

Friday, 9 November 2007
Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Sunday, 4 November 2007
Saturday, 3 November 2007

Totally Random Music Posting #2

Friday, 2 November 2007

Yes immigrants are getting jobs in Britain, and yes they are being housed by local authorities, but to say that they are taking all our jobs and houses just helps to foster feelings of racism toward these groups in our society, as do stories in the press about not being able to celebrate Christmas and all the other politically correct bollocks that is concocted by white middle class bureaucrats, for who’s benefit ? The BNP perhaps ?,cos they love that sort of shit, it gives them the power to say that because of immigration British Tradition is being taken away from us. Which is bollocks because ethnic minorities in Britain do not get offended by Christian celebrations or British traditions.
Anyway, moving on…Immigration is a complex issue. IDEALISTICALLY the free movement of people across the world is a good thing, it promotes a greater understanding of cultures and creates a truly global world. No individual should be persecuted in their country for their political beliefs, and everyone should be entitled to a better life where ever they choose t live. REALISTICALLY every country has only a certain amount of resources that cannot support an infinite amount of people, without creating social/political problems. ECONOMICALLY after years of hard line communism of course people of former Soviet Bloc countries are gonna want a slice of the pie. The rich oligarchs in these countries aren’t serving anything up, they’re too busy buying football clubs. Employers in The New Europe are rubbing their hands together with the cheap labour and a hard-line work ethic
POLITICALLY immigrants become scapegoats to blame for problems that have been festering away in Britain for decades, the housing crisis has nothing to do with immigration , the over stretched resources of the NHS has nothing to do with immigration, unemployment has nothing to do with immigration. Those areas were already fucked before Poland joined the EU immigration has just put more pressure on these resources and I fail to believe that it is our wonderful Social Security System that brings people into Britain in lorries and boots of cars, and if it is then it is the system that is at fault. Once again the media don’t help the situation when there are stories of immigrants claiming benefits for family members not living here and yet a British family have had their sons child benefit stopped for their son who is studying abroad with the Bolshoi ballet. Doesn’t seem fair does it ? And that I believe is the issue, those who are against immigration just want to see fairness. But as we know the system isn’t fair and the state maintains it’s power by having a divided nation fighting amongst itself. It is the state that allows the media to spread the propaganda which people read and believe because they know no other truth. In my experience it is the generation that grew up during the Second World War and fought in the war that are most susceptible to the propaganda. Ironically they fought against the Nazi invasion of Poland and now feel that Poland is invading Britain. These are the people who are gonna be thinking of voting for the BNP, not those that have grown up in a multi-cultural Britain, and as Britain is a country with an aging population there are a hell of a lot of potential voters out there who will turn to the BNP for solutions if the main parties do not act on their fears of immigration, and grab the potato. There does need to be some control over our borders like other European countries have. The British government opted out of this quota system a few years ago. Why, I dunno, but it’s gonna be down to money and economy, cos it certainly can’t have been for altruistic reasons when immigrants are set up as scapegoats and attacked on the streets by racist thugs.
Thursday, 1 November 2007