This is a real and rare treat for all you good folks, some of you may not initially think so, but believe me IT IS! Erstwhile former front man of surf garage punks The Barracudas, and main driving force behind the I Know Buffalo Bill collaboration with Nikki Sudden, Epic Soundtracks, Roland S Howard and Jeffrey Lee Pierce, it’s JEREMY GLUCK and his BAND, recorded live in June 2008, and what a glorious rough and raw row it is, from a man old enough not to know better. ‘History never sounded so young’ This is wild, feral, passionate and loud. Unpredictable and inspired; as rock’n’roll should be! On this recording Jeremy re-works some Nikki Sudden numbers Road Of Broken Dreams, Silver Street a couple from I Knew Buffalo Bill; Looking For A Place To Fall and Gallery Warf, there’s also a John Fogerty number and a truly awesome jam of Suicides Cheree, to wrap it all up. This posting comes with the blessing from the man himself, who has to admit that his new band rock. If you’re aware of his work you wont give it a second thought before hitting the click button, if yer not, become aware, after all what have you got to lose? 93.1 MB’s of hard drive space, before you burn it to CD! Go on, you know it makes sense to give it a click!
Thanx :) And howz about scanning that article for me, you olde dog!
Hey, you did! :)
A real treat indeed.
Fond memories of seeing the Barracudas on many occasions.
i didn't even know Jeremy was doing solo shows. I'm on a barracudas list that both he and robin willis are on and nothing has been mentioned.
Great Post, i can't wait to hear it.
Jeremy Gluck also has an amazing solo CD just out on the www.thebeautifulmusic.com - a label based in Ottawa Canada - where Jeremy lived as a young lad - if you are interested then get in touch and they will send you a free copy - but only 150 copies were made so be quick.
would you happen to have "I knew buffalo bill"? i can't find a working link of it anywhere
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