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Yesterdays news is still today's truth!

They only tell us what they want us to know.....An Anti Austerity Demo gathered outside the BBC headquarters in London the other weekend, ...





Sunday 29 November 2009


A butterfly flaps its wings. A few weeks ago there was a report in one of the papers about Chinese scientists. In Beijing I think it was, there was a problem with lack of water. Scientists decided to seed the clouds i.e. release chemicals into them, this causes a chemical reaction and hey presto! Rain, well that was the idea, except they got the quantities wrong and there was a ’freak’ snowstorm instead. Makes you wonder how much of this freak weather we are seeing is just down to natural ‘climate change’ Just last week a small town in England called Cockermouth had it’s whole infrastructure wiped out by torrential rain and floods. Nature was as powerful as a laser guided missile taking out bridges, businesses and raking death, destruction and devastation across the area. A result of climate change, they like to tell us. They’ve got the numbers to prove it, or are those the figures that may have been ‘sexed’up to strengthen the case for global warming. I say may because I’m sure that no one would make up figures to strengthen a case for a cause, would they? 45 minutes was it for Iran to ready their weapons of mass destruction? Anyway I’ve shifted from the point, slightly. First off I’m not suggesting that someone like China used Weather Modification techniques to attack Cockermouth,but fucking about with nature can't help the natural climate. but what I am saying is that you can bet your bottom dollar that if the Chinese have the ability to change the weather, than so do countries like America and Britain. But why? Because they can! Why would anyone want to though. Well…. Since scientists have made us aware of changes to the Earths Climate a whole market has grown, A Green Economy fuelled by the need to save the planet at whatever cost. Fear sells and people buy into it, but they need to be reminded of what nature can do, a spectacle! The sight of residents standing in a water soaked house with all their possessions gone, is a good image to plant in peoples minds. There you have it, just a thought. One thing for sure, is that the weather is changing , but it always does and always has, that’s nature, but freaks of nature seem to be common place these days or the reporting of them does. I’m starting to get blown of course with this post, so I’ll end it all now, but just remember what ever the causes of climate change are it’s humans that are fucking up the planet one way or another. Either pumping the atmosphere full of chemical/industrial waste or trying to control nature and use its force as a weapon of mass destruction and propaganda. As a foot note: While I was working on this post last night I heard on the news that there had been flooding in Saudi Arabia. Blimey.. I thought! You don’t hear of that everyday. Now as I’m typing up the post I’m hearing that the sands are shifting on the Dubai Stock Exchange. A butterfly flaps its wings………..

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