Rock’n’Roll has always been ‘sexy’ ever since Elvis shook his pelvis and had to be shown from the waist up on American television. How times have changed, the music isn’t rock’n’roll, and everything is given a crotch high pelvic thrust view on MTV. Not only is the music shit, but the videos are even shitier.
Who’s responsible? We all are, I say all but some of us try to exist while resisting. I’ve got a teenage daughter, as parents we need to get a balance in our children’s lives, between the nature and nurture of their development. The nature is that they are living in a world of free market mass consumption where everything is for sale. The nurture is how they are guided through this world.
We need to be telling ‘em that what they see on the TV and the magazines is all shit. What they see is not what it is, and it’s not what they are. It’s something that they don’t need to be or should aspire to become…fake and phoney.
Free Markets have fuelled the ‘hyper sexualisation of young people. It’s about supply and demand . If parents didn’t buy their 5 year old little darlings underwear that had sexy written on them, then no-one would bother making it, because no-one would be buying it. Simple! But the only simple thing is the mass of people that have already bought into it, which has legitimised it’s consumption and production.
The sight of semi-naked women on TV doesn’t shock or offend me. But the constant uncontrolled barrage of these sorts of images on young people and the effects it may have on them does.
Music videos and children’s clothing need to be viewed as a whole and not in isolation of each other. Children see, children want, and children can buy a lifestyle from the rails of New Look and Primark, prices may be cheap but the cost to society can be expensive, when you look at the rise in teenage pregnancies, and the failure of government schemes to reduce the numbers. Then there’s the price the children pay themselves if they don’t fit the mould of what’s been dictated to them as to how they should look and be. Feelings of worthlessness and low self esteem.
Liberal teachings about sex, treating it as a disposable throwaway ’thing’, safe sex and pregnancy prevention, isn’t balanced out by any moral or values based thought..
My daughter asked me who I was gonna vote for in the Election. I said no one, she asked why not? I told her that they were all as bad as each other, and that I don’t believe in the liberal capitalist system that they govern over, one that places more value on the freedom of the individual than the rights of the collective.
Women’s Liberation. Is this what people like Emily Davison and Marie Stopes fought for and had in mind (Voting and Sex Education reformers) Half naked bodies splashed across the media to sell shit from chocolate and cars to dance music. Neo-Feminists will say this is great, and that it’s the women who are now in control of their bodies and have the choice what to do with them. Great…but what about those that aren’t so luck and don’t fit the ‘ideal type’ that boys/men have been conditioned into thinking are ‘beautiful’ If beauty is in the eye of the beholder then what’s been held up as beauty by the media is what everyone wants and wants to be. That’s boys as well as girls. It’s not just a ‘girl thing’ to be insecure about your body, not in this prolific and prevailing world of image and wealth as things to be worshipped.
Should government legislate against the growing Sexualistation of our society and it’s effects on Young People? I heard someone on the Radio this morning saying that this would be a step towards a ‘Communist Russia’ True it may call into question things like Censorship, Freedom of speech, expression of thought in the world of the creative arts etc (I use this term loosely in reference to things like style mags and videos) But for how much longer can we go on before society becomes like a fat bloated over weight Elvis and dies on it’s own toilet.
What if we have reached a social stage were too much freedom has resulted in a society actually being less free than it has been in its past. I mean look at our dependence on things like Cars, Mobile Phones etc. and a pursuit of entertainment and self gratification. Self obsession and self importance is leaving people impotent of any other thoughts. We have become unbalanced as a nation. There has been no argument against anything, just a mindless acceptance that this is evolution and progress.