Gonna tie up a few loose ends here, I’ve posted stuff by all these bands before, so there should be no real surprises. With this lot of releases that’s about the sum of all their musical output, both past and present. So with out further ado, let’s get on with the show. First up it’s those sleaze merchants THE VAYNES with their sultry second album Vayneglorious. Next it’s the Useless Pop EP from agit punk ’n rollers THE GLORY STRUMMERS, Finally, because all good things come in threes, or is it twos? I dunno, fuck it, whatever, it’s those new gods of the gutter THE SKUZZIES with their mighty fine Shotgun Solution EP. That’s it, shows over all that remains to be said is click here for The Vaynes, click there for the Glory Strummers, click wherever for The Skuzzies, and enjoy!
1 comment:
Cheers Nuzz,
Can't stop playing 'Dissatisfied' let's have another one.
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