Should we and do we care who the next President is? God Damn right we should! America still wants to be the most powerful nation in the world and who ever is elected can shape the destiny of each and everyone of us, where ever we are in the world. Just take a look at this global financial fiasco. Where did it all start? That’s right, the good old US of Fucking A, and don’t forget The War on Terror, because that didn’t start on Sept 11th 2001. This is the world calling! Do the right thing American people, don’t fear their fear. It’s change we need !
BULLSHIT! I will NEVER vote for a socialist. Free Markets, Free People.
Yeah every country has racists and every country has people who claim racism exists where most people don't see it.
Yes certain Americans tried to ban Elvis and the bands you mentioned because of their blues influences, but all of them ended up being probably the most successful artists ever, so over the course of time the vast majority of Americans have shown a willingness to change.
Obama seems the obvious choice mainly because McCain seems to be so out of his depth and surely they have had enough of the Republicans?
His colour shouldn't be an issue, although I expect the right wing press and media will no doubt bring it up at every opportunity to try and make it into a black v white contest, as that is the only hope the Republicans can have of winning.
I hate ageism, but it’s true…Mcain does seem out of his depth and appears to lack any kind of ‘People skills‘.
If I were American I would almost certainly vote Obama. But at the end of the day he is a politician just like the others - Be careful what you wish for.
"Lee said..." (Danger, long and windy)
I don't know where you are, but I am in the United States. The only people that are making this a racial issue are on the left. Period. The media template for issues like this is- Conservative= Rich White Racist Male. Liberal= Poor Exploited Person Of Color. That is untrue. What I personally don't like about the American Left / Socialist party, is that they have no "check". Politicians that are able to do what they want and not have a media watchdog will turn in to Fascists. The mirror that is held up to us is distorted and manipulated through the popular media, IE network television, Hollywood etc, who are 85% on the left. They give a pass to any abuse of power, silly statement or gaffe that issues from the mouth of the leader of their preferred party, while they give a rectal exam to the other side. Leftists (in power) in America in no way can face up to the scrutiny given to the right. Personally, I think that all government is corrupt, and left unchecked will turn Fascist. It has the monopoly on force, it can take your stuff, and throw you in jail. The smaller government is, the better off we all are. Yep.
Socialist? What? - whose the socialist? There is a socialist running? LOL
Could never see colour being an issue in a British election or being able to be made an issue by the media or by any party Left or Right. Yes all government corrupts and yes there is the danger of the left using and having total control, if we let 'em, but the reality is I'd rather change than continuation of the way things are now, and lets face it, there aint much difference between the Left and Right now anyway, you only have to look at the 10 years of Labour misrule we've had in Britain, so Obama, well he's gonna probably turn out just like the rest of 'em. Cheers for yer time good people!
McCain would be winning if it wasn't for his Vice Presidential choice. Instead of selecting a centrist running mate, who would have encouraged many Democrats to vote for him, McCain selected a right wing fundamentalist who has scared off the middle of the road voter.
Additionally, she is a complete idiot and has proven herself to be inadequate for the role of possible president who is "a heartbeat away from the job". When you take into account McCain's age, the likelihood of her filling in for McCain is great.
She has scared the crap out of many voters who might have crossed over to the McCain side.
That was McCain's fatal mistake.
Additionally, the fear is that Obama will be a socialist (as indicated above). The Democrats who are pulling his strings have as much to lose as the Republicans if that was to happen. There are plenty of millionaires backing Obama, socialism will never happen.
What will happen however, is that the country will finally move away from religious fundamentalism and back towards an actual free scoiety.
Oh yeah, and maybe we won't piss off the world every chance we get.
oh what a bunch of shit! gomila sranja!
same shit like on tv or in newspapers
omaba is a fucking rich bastard same as mccain. one of his main guys for us foreign policy is richard holbrook, scum who bombed "my country" to shit pieces, clinton's first man, free trade guru. obama talks about afghanistan and people there like they are subhumans, "untermensch " as hitler used to say.he is ready to go and bomb more all around the world for interests of the rich.
black hitler,white hitler is the same pile of shite.better look somewhere else for "the change" than ballots. fucking funny!
Boycott election always and forever! do not trust set of rules they set up for you to follow.organize with friends,family and neighbors.everything else is playing by their rules.
ps. i remember my friend in bosnia telling me how sad he was kerry did not win instead of bush ,so all americans and other idiots who vote could see that there would not be any difference.
It makes me laugh (or should that be, cry?) the way the media reduce much of this to personalities and personal characteristics. The post just above mine nails it.
The deals done now, so all we've got to do now is wait'n'see.
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