Sunday, 30 November 2008
THESE ANIMAL MEN - Speeed King (7"Vinyl Rip) + 5 Live Tracks!

The early 90’s and Britain was awash in dance culture and baggy clothes, until thanks to the NME The New Wave of New Wave appeared on the ‘scene’ which was like it said on the tin; New bands drawing on the punk/new wave sounds of the past. I’ve already posted one band from this ‘manufactured movement’; S*M*A*S*H, so now get ready for another one, it’s their gigging buddies THESE ANIMAL MEN. This is their debut single, released in 1994, which caused a bit of controversy with some local authorities, as the tour to promote it was due to visit several youth clubs. It’s a neat slice of power pop punk , that recalls The Only Ones and The Heartbreakers, with a nod to the Brit bands of the 60’s. Interestingly both S*M*A*S*H and TAM appeared on T.O.T.P’s before Oasis and the whole N.W.O.N.W was a precursor to the Brit pop madness that sound tracked the rest of the 90’s, but unlike Oasis, both bands only had 15 minutes, and before you could say Malcolm McClaren and Bernie Rhodes they were gone. Their legacy; making guitars and small size clothing 'fashionable' again. Anyway if you fancy a blast on some These Animal Men click here for the single, and here for a 5 track live recording done for BBC Radio Ones Evening session on 5th June 1994 at the Zap Club in their hometown of Brighton. Enjoy! THE DODGY LINK HAS BEEN SORTED!
Saturday, 29 November 2008

Only the New York Dolls could be late for an important date and still pull it off, this gig was billed as a St Valentines Day Massacre, but took place on the 15th February 1974 at The Academy Of Music in New York City. Notably the gig started with a short Bob Gruen film Lipstick Killers, which had the band all dolled up as gangsters running amok on the streets of New York. The film ended with the band running into the venue. They then appeared in the flesh in the auditorium and started to blast out a classic “almost professional “set. Nick Kent from the NME who was in town to cover the event described the Dolls as “The best and last of their breed, jack-knifing their way with style, across the infinity of parodies that currently make up the true substance of rock’n’roll right now.’ Experience those substances for yerself, right here right now. It’s just a click away.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008

So the government plans a kiss of life to the dying free market economy with a breath of old Labour values of taxing the rich. Well that’s just fucking rich cos those red turncoats have helped the rich get richer and the poor get poorer over the last fifteen years. The flexible friend; instant credit has snapped. The illusion of social mobility is falling down with repossessions and bankruptcies,
Where has the money all gone? On a holy war on terror and for oil. Well that’s been well worth the money, Al-Qaeda are still about, and there’s concerns over energy supplies in Britain, and lets face it the only reason the price of fuel has dropped at the pumps is to keep the lorries rolling to supply the shops with more shit that they still want us to buy, because VAT cuts are on the way and the banks have got lots of money to lend us after the government bailed them out with our money. Well almost, except that the banks aren’t too keen to lend the money, but that’s what the government want them to do, otherwise we wont start spending again. Well excuse me, but isn’t this another reason we are in this mess; because people spent too much money that they didn’t have on shit they didn’t need. Still, it’s only what our government have done, and are going to continue you to do; there’s nothing like leading by example. Where’s all the money going to come from, and how’s it going to be paid back? The only countries with any real wealth are the oil producing nations, so I wonder what deals were struck when Brown the Clown was visiting there recently. So the rich are going to be taxed more, but after the next election, taxes and VAT will rise again, it’s like a 0% finance buy now pay later sofa. Mind you New or Old Labour have never being that good with money.. Lets not forget Dennis Healey going cap in hand to the IMF in the 70’s. Another thing all I hear about is spending, what about some saving? Perhapes that’s why the banks don’t want to lend money, because I don’t hear the government making any cut backs. The troops are still in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Olympics are still gonna be happening in 2012. I suppose one good thing is were starting to lose a few churches of consumption MFI are in a state of financial collapse, just like their flat pack furniture after a couple of years use, and Woolworths have called in the receivers, but Woolworths…they’ve been a fixture on the High Streets for a long time; priced out of the market by the supermarkets with all their cheaper shit. I was gonna put a couple of Karl Marx quotes here “all that is solid….” etc, but couldn’t be bothered with it, but he knew the score and final result of capitalism; competition, greed, human nature, epochs, economic/social change, forces of production etc, etc. We are gonna be living through some crazy shit over the next few years. All the fun of the fair starts here!
Where has the money all gone? On a holy war on terror and for oil. Well that’s been well worth the money, Al-Qaeda are still about, and there’s concerns over energy supplies in Britain, and lets face it the only reason the price of fuel has dropped at the pumps is to keep the lorries rolling to supply the shops with more shit that they still want us to buy, because VAT cuts are on the way and the banks have got lots of money to lend us after the government bailed them out with our money. Well almost, except that the banks aren’t too keen to lend the money, but that’s what the government want them to do, otherwise we wont start spending again. Well excuse me, but isn’t this another reason we are in this mess; because people spent too much money that they didn’t have on shit they didn’t need. Still, it’s only what our government have done, and are going to continue you to do; there’s nothing like leading by example. Where’s all the money going to come from, and how’s it going to be paid back? The only countries with any real wealth are the oil producing nations, so I wonder what deals were struck when Brown the Clown was visiting there recently. So the rich are going to be taxed more, but after the next election, taxes and VAT will rise again, it’s like a 0% finance buy now pay later sofa. Mind you New or Old Labour have never being that good with money.. Lets not forget Dennis Healey going cap in hand to the IMF in the 70’s. Another thing all I hear about is spending, what about some saving? Perhapes that’s why the banks don’t want to lend money, because I don’t hear the government making any cut backs. The troops are still in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Olympics are still gonna be happening in 2012. I suppose one good thing is were starting to lose a few churches of consumption MFI are in a state of financial collapse, just like their flat pack furniture after a couple of years use, and Woolworths have called in the receivers, but Woolworths…they’ve been a fixture on the High Streets for a long time; priced out of the market by the supermarkets with all their cheaper shit. I was gonna put a couple of Karl Marx quotes here “all that is solid….” etc, but couldn’t be bothered with it, but he knew the score and final result of capitalism; competition, greed, human nature, epochs, economic/social change, forces of production etc, etc. We are gonna be living through some crazy shit over the next few years. All the fun of the fair starts here!
Sunday, 23 November 2008
THE CORTINAS - Live in 1977

Today’s musical offering is some vintage old skool punk rawk from the class of ‘77 and it’s The Cortinas recorded live in Plymouth in…1977. Often referred to by scenesters and journalists at the time rather unfairly as a “second division punk band”, no doubt because they came from Bristol and not London, plus they were a band playing R’n’B covers before punk broke, and they had middle class backgrounds, which in the eyes of some wasn’t in keeping with what punk was all about. What a load of bollocks! This is; classic, classless first rate punk rock! Enjoy it here!
Saturday, 22 November 2008
The State Of Education Today or You Couldn't Make This Shit Up!
My daughter came home from school the other day and told me that during her French lesson, while the teacher was out of the classroom telling off a disruptive pupil some of the boys were looking at porn on the computer. Then later in the day during games when she was playing netball a couple of rats ran across the court with the caretaker chasing them and trying to grab one with his litter picking up stick, then the class started shouting “Kill It” when he caught one. The above account is a true story, because I did ask my daughter about it and like she said “why would I make it up?”

In the wake of the leaked list of BNP members, and the possibility that some on the list may lose their jobs, we can expect an outcry of “Freedom of speech” from a party that if they gained power would deny others this right, yes we could say that this is already happening under New Labour with the ever eroding of civil liberties, but by denying the BNP certain freedoms, we would be safeguarding our future liberties, because I for one would not want the weapons the state has at it’s disposal now e.g. CCTV surveillance and Anti-Terror Laws to fall into the hands of a far right organisation , which they would if the BNP ever came to power in Britain, and don’t think they wouldn’t use them to their full potential, because they would after all this is a party that despite trying to clean up its image remains tainted by violence. The party leader Nick Griffin has appeared in court, In the not so distant past on at least two occasions for inciting racial hatred, yes some people named on the list may not take their believes to the extremes, but they’ve still signed up to a party that believes Hitler was a good man for killing 6 million+ human beings. No doubt, they’ll try and use the race Relations Act, something they don’t believe in to say they are being discriminated against and despite wanting Britain to withdraw from the European Union they’ll go running to Brussels screaming “Human rights” but don’t talk to me about human rights, when it’s human wrongs we need to protect and discriminate against!
Wednesday, 19 November 2008

So members of the BNP; a political party that relies on fear to get its message across are scared because their names and addresses have been leaked on the internet. What a fucking shame, welcome to your world, and lets hope a few of em get the sack from their jobs, because it’s not a good time to be unemployed, and they wont be able to blame the immigrants for taking their jobs. No doubt the membership list was leaked for a reason, and as I’m typing this I hear on the news that the their leader Nick Griffin is saying that any teachers that are sacked for being members of the BNP will be victims of fascism???!!!
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Inside the mind of a Serial Killers book reader and buyer.
Saturday, 15 November 2008

I’ve absolutely no idea where this was recorded, but I’m sure it was somewhere on a tour both bands did with The Cherry Bombs in 1986. By the end of the tour The Queerboys had become The Pretty Girls after there’d been a bit of a kerfuffle at the first gig of the tour, when the Bradford University Lesbian and Gay society handed out flyers telling the audience that: “The name the queer boys is offensive” and not to applaud this “sick support band.“ Fuck knows what they thought of The Babysitters and their comedy Punk’n’Roll antics. Any way if you fancy some hot live action from the London Rock’nRoll scene click here for The PrettyQueerGirlBoys and their take on The Faces and Stones, and there for The Babysitters with their Damned/Heartbreakers racket. Enjoy, the recordings a bit rough and it was recorded on a right cheap old tape, but hey what the fuck!
Friday, 14 November 2008

What more can I say about the Messiahs that I haven’t said in previous posts, without sounding like some crazy fucking obsessive. Seriously though, this their second album is the bollocks! There are no comparisons; The Messiahs were out there on their own on the lost highway, and 21 years later it still sounds as fresh as the smell of recently burned rubber on tarmaq. Pure, ferocious, frantic and fun, with a dark edge to it. Don’t just take my word for it, here’s what Anne Scanlon had to say about it in Sounds magazine:
“Sometimes good guys don't wear white but, fronted by Bill Carter, The Screaming Blue Messiahs come across like the meanest and darkest of them all.
Back, after a long silence, with dual openers 'Sweet Water Pools' and 'Bikini Red', the Messiahs appear to have fled the madness of the city and taken refuge on safe and starlit beaches. But that's on the surface only. The post-'Gun-Shy' Messiahs are as obsessed as ever with concrete, cars and homicide only this time their psyche is more deranged, their delivery more manic. Take the dance destruction of 'All Shook Down', the slow grind of 'Big Brother Muscle' or the effortless rock 'n' roll of '55 The Law' which features Michael Ryan and Jerry Lee Lewis in a suburban breakout: "I didn't like my neighbours so I blew them all away, didn't like my neighbours on such a nice day". 'Too Much Love' and 'Sweet Water Pools' both reek of a similar desire to escape and annihilate, but 'Bikini Red' reveals a sharp sense of humour as well. This is drawn out on the combat Clash crunch of 'I Can Speak American' and more immediately on 'I Wanna Be A Flintstone' and 'Jesus Chrysler Drives A Dodge'. That said, the song this record is most likely to be remembered for is a distinct departure from anything the Messiahs have done before. It's the closing 'Waltz', a eulogy for Carter's mother and a fine testament to love and life. The Screaming Blue Messiahs might never get round to wearing white, but their hearts are still beating in all the right places.” Anyway if you fancy a blast you know what to do!
“Sometimes good guys don't wear white but, fronted by Bill Carter, The Screaming Blue Messiahs come across like the meanest and darkest of them all.
Back, after a long silence, with dual openers 'Sweet Water Pools' and 'Bikini Red', the Messiahs appear to have fled the madness of the city and taken refuge on safe and starlit beaches. But that's on the surface only. The post-'Gun-Shy' Messiahs are as obsessed as ever with concrete, cars and homicide only this time their psyche is more deranged, their delivery more manic. Take the dance destruction of 'All Shook Down', the slow grind of 'Big Brother Muscle' or the effortless rock 'n' roll of '55 The Law' which features Michael Ryan and Jerry Lee Lewis in a suburban breakout: "I didn't like my neighbours so I blew them all away, didn't like my neighbours on such a nice day". 'Too Much Love' and 'Sweet Water Pools' both reek of a similar desire to escape and annihilate, but 'Bikini Red' reveals a sharp sense of humour as well. This is drawn out on the combat Clash crunch of 'I Can Speak American' and more immediately on 'I Wanna Be A Flintstone' and 'Jesus Chrysler Drives A Dodge'. That said, the song this record is most likely to be remembered for is a distinct departure from anything the Messiahs have done before. It's the closing 'Waltz', a eulogy for Carter's mother and a fine testament to love and life. The Screaming Blue Messiahs might never get round to wearing white, but their hearts are still beating in all the right places.” Anyway if you fancy a blast you know what to do!
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
BURNING LONDON - The Clash Tribute

On the day that Barack Obama won the US elections, and the day in 1605 when Guy Fawkes entered the British Houses of Parliament with the intention of blowing them up, here’s a little something for ya; A compilation of mainly American artists, including No Doubt, Rancid, Indigo Girls and Moby amongst others covering tunes by The Clash; a band that politicised a generation of British kids, took America by storm and continue to influence the music and politics of young people across the world to this day. Whether this record is a fitting tribute to The Clash, I’ll leave that for you to decide, the stand out track for me is The Afghan Whigs’s haunting take on Lost In The Super Market, that features Topper Headon on Drums. Worth the £1.99 that I paid for it last week, from a second hand shop in The Forest Of Dean, for that track alone, so it’s gotta be worth a click of yer mouse, who knows you might prefer some of the other offerings.
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Brooom! Brooom!
So Lewis Hamilton is Formula One World Champion; makes you proud to be British. Bollocks! He is the epitome of everything capitalist; Greedy, Competitive and Selfish. The media tell us how many millions he’s gonna be worth, but lets not forget that he moved to Switzerland to avoid paying tax. All this after the economy’s gone down the shitter and people aint got a pot to piss in. No doubt my local council will name a road in Stevenage after him and leech of his success and fame, after contributing nothing to it; Capitalism….everyones a winner! except the losers, and there’s a lot more of them.
Monday, 3 November 2008
Sunday, 2 November 2008
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