I’ve absolutely no idea where this was recorded, but I’m sure it was somewhere on a tour both bands did with The Cherry Bombs in 1986. By the end of the tour The Queerboys had become The Pretty Girls after there’d been a bit of a kerfuffle at the first gig of the tour, when the Bradford University Lesbian and Gay society handed out flyers telling the audience that: “The name the queer boys is offensive” and not to applaud this “sick support band.“ Fuck knows what they thought of The Babysitters and their comedy Punk’n’Roll antics. Any way if you fancy some hot live action from the London Rock’nRoll scene click here for The PrettyQueerGirlBoys and their take on The Faces and Stones, and there for The Babysitters with their Damned/Heartbreakers racket. Enjoy, the recordings a bit rough and it was recorded on a right cheap old tape, but hey what the fuck!
i don't think i have the balls to be in a band called the queerboys!
Both of these links have a "The file is suspected of illegal or copyrighted content." message. Can you re-up to somewhere other than 4shared? (I don't think Buttz & Spike will have had the copyright police on your back)
f0ck da copyright
can you please repost THE BABYSITTERS ????
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