Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Had to see the Inland Revenue today; trying to charge me a £100 for not filling in a form I didn't receive, which I shouldn't have got, as I didn't receive any money for what I was doing, and I'd stopped what I was doing anyway. Told 'em that Companies House had been given all this information already. Tax office said It didn't matter I had to fill in a form anyway, as the two offices don't talk to each other. I did say that if the two offices didn't talk how come I'd received a tax bill in the first place. Filled in the form, then the lady from the revenue said was the organisation I'd been involved with called ********* ****** *****, it was. Strange how the Inland Revenue knew that when I'd been told they don't communicate with Companies House. Then I was told I'd be getting another tax return form for last year, because no-one had informed them of the changes. FUCKIN' BUREAUCRACY.