Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Have you heard the oilful news?
So the news is that oil companies profits have risen to record levels; while the price of petrol to the consumer has also risen to record levels. That aint news, that’s capitalism; the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. No news is bad news!

What I know about both these bands could be written on the back of a postage stamp, but here goes. The year 1987, the place London. THE LOVELESS included a former guitarist from Lords Of The New Church (Al) a bassist from Diatribe (Tim) and a drummer who used to be in The Gunslingers(Neil), more about them in a later post. The three tracks on this demo are A+ Punk’n’Roll, similar to The Vibrators and Chelsea, catchy choruses and hooks guaranteed to get you singing along, don’t think record companies were impressed, because as far as I know, no records were released. ROMEO STREET GANG on the other hand released one 12” on Jungle records Heavy House / Money Talks, the three tracks on this tape sound similar to Big Audio Dynamite and Lightning Strike, a slab of “heavy bass and drums shattered by guitar and keyboards” so says the press blurgh that came with the tape, which doesn’t say much else except “The gang aint just four musicians!! We’re coming from all directions.” So there yer go, the postage stamp is full up just room to say click here! For The Loveless and click here! for Romeo Street Gang.
Monday, 28 April 2008
So it’s been a year since the McCann’s rather irresponsibly and foolishly lost their daughter Madeline. Now we’ve got the TV documentary, and there was/is talk of a book and a film. For fucks sake, what next, a musical? with a spin off reality show hosted by Andrew Lloyd Webber called A Search For Maddie, or maybe a Playstation game were you have to eat as much food as you can, while going back from the restaurant to the apartment to check she’s still in bed, then if you’re too slow getting back and she aint there, you have to secure as much money and publicity as you can before you start searching for her, obviously the more you get of both the more chance you have of finding her, or do you? Personally I think a board game would be good, cos I’m certainly bored with it all and wish the parents would get lost.
THE DOGS D'AMOUR - The State We're In

Saturday, 26 April 2008
THE WATERBOYS - The Big Music (12" vinyl-rip)


Friday, 25 April 2008

The 80’s shaped today’s society. Some say the 80’s needed to happen after Labour Governments failings in the 1970’s Winter of Disconntent, IMF, 3 day weeks, people sick of seeing rubbish on the streets. Hence Thatcherism and all it’s social evils, Free Market capitalism benefited some and left millions on benefits.
The Trade Unions were beaten into submission during the Miners Strike, youth culture became business through the new enterprise capitalism. Credit turned Council houses into castles, left people as slaves to the wage, some lucky ones got their freedom when they sold their homes for huge profits, others ended up in the workhouse when theirs were re-possessed.
During the Thatcher regime Political activism grew e.g. Red Wedge, Stop The City, CND, Anti Poll Tax Demos. A reaction to the injustice of selfish monetary policy, but strong political force, prevented any protest damaging Thatcher’s New Right Government, any opposition was crushed by her claw.
The 90’s was about consolidating our new society and packaging it up in Celebrity, Complacency and Compliance, Citizens as consumers. A re-branded Great Britain where things could only get better. But that was then and this is now! So where do we go from here then, and how are we going to get there, if the 80’s had to happen because of the 70’s, what is going to be done about the state of the nation in the 00’s? What’s the plan? Another set of extreme measures me thinks, for a whole new set of problems that have grown out of the 80’s and 90's e.g. Climate change, pollution, all the waste of 80’s economic growth had to go somewhere, and that’s on top of the constant issues no matter what decade, with things such as low pay and high prices, crime, living standards, you know the usual things that ails a Capitalist state, the things that they’ve created or condoned. The Cold War has finished, now it’s the War on Terror. Our young people are killing each other with guns and knives and for some reason immigrants want to come and live in Britain. No doubt here in 2008 there will be people saying that we have returned to a time of Labour crisis; discontent in Public Sector over pay with first the Police and now the teachers going on strike. People unhappy with Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, credit crunch, high interest rates, increased cost of living, issues around immigration. Something old, something new, something borrowed something blue. Where’s the alternative? the opposition! New Labour and Conservative are one and the same a one party policy state, where it’s about containment and how to control the masses in this brave new world of theirs, with its high tech computers, genetic modifications and surveillance . As I’m thinking and typing this I can see many parallels with times that have gone I keep wanting to expand on points, and highlight them, but I’m starting to feel like I’m going to go round in circles if I do that, so I’m going to stop, unlike the world, politics and economics, which does go round in cycles. We need to remember that, and we also need to remember…fuck, forgotten what we need to remember, but it was along the lines of we are the opposition….we are growing in numbers…and they shouldn’t forget that…..and I wonder what people looking back will remember about the 00’s.
Thursday, 24 April 2008

THE BOLSHOI - Happy Boy (12" vinyl-rip)

The Bolshoi, were a three piece, originally from Wiltshire but relocated to London to seek fame and fortune. I suppose they could be described as a post-punk goth outfit with traces of Bowie, cropped up at loads of gigs during 1984-85 as support to bands like The Cult, Lords Of The New Church, March Violets amongst others, before going on to headline their own shows by 1987. Happy Boy is the bands second single; a melodic, dark brooding bass driven beast of a tune that was released in August 1985, described as “The best band that nobody’s ever heard of”, not strictly true, cos that accolade goes to the late’n’great Mercenary Skank. I always found The Bolshoi’s output a bit patchy, but this is a stomping single and well worth clicking yer mouse here to have a listen, the b-sides aint too bad either.
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
PETER PERRETT in THE ONE - Woke Up Sticky (album)

Monday, 21 April 2008
Heads you lose, Tails you lose !


Sunday, 20 April 2008
Totally Random Music Postings #5


Saturday, 19 April 2008
Same Old, Same Old, Same Old Shit!

Friday, 18 April 2008
GARY HOLTON - Ruby (7"vinyl-rip)

Thursday, 17 April 2008
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
THE SCREAMING BLUE MESSIAHS - The Last Scream of The Blue Messiah (Live @ The Subterania, London 5/6/90)

Here’s a live recording of The Screaming Blue Messiahs, not just any old recording, but their last ever gig, and what a stonker it is, an audience recording that captures the sheer power of the Messiahs. This is pedal to the metal, full throttle, high octane rock’n’roll, the drive of yer life. But hey don’t just take my word for it, lets see what Cathy Unsworth from Sounds magazine thought of ‘em that night in 1990
“The eyes are bulging, but Bill Carter's expression is one of wonder rather than his usual BSE simulation. Before him is probably the politest audience he's ever witnessed.
'Mega City One' and 'Sweet Water Pools' have just ravaged the atmosphere with delicious brutality, and the response resembles a Saturday Night Fever workout. Snorting like an indignant bull, Carter slams his fingers against the frets as sparks of ravaged, thunderous blues course out. Heads down into 'Watusi Wedding' and the adreno-therapy is beginning to work.
Yet Carter retains his nonplussed air all night. As the bopabout turns into a sizable ruck to the mental rhythms of 'Jesus Chrysler Drives A Dodge', 'Gunfight', 'Bikini Red' and 'Here Comes Lucky' the man remains bemused, letting his fingers do the mauling, sometimes hardly bothering to sing at all.
'Happy Home' scrapes the skin off a few skulls and 'Twin Cadillac Valentine' rubs the salt in. They're back for one encore, then disappear, leaving a pile of steaming bodies gasping for more. Mission accomplished, but they could have been sleepwalking.” So if you fancy a drive step on it! I’m indebted to Grant over at BLUE HEAVEN for letting me share this with ya, If yer into the The Screaming Blues take a visit, it’s a great resource for a great band, this post also goes out to Markydread at CHEAP EMOTIONS, a colourful and well crafted blog, featuring some top recordings, including another Live Blue Messiahs one.
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
(Don't Fear) The Gap Year
Monday, 14 April 2008

“OI WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING LOOKING AT!" Shouted the man to the guy who’d been staring at him as they'd passed each other on the street. “Nothing” he replied. “That’s alright then” the man responded and they both carried on going in their different directions. It wasn’t the first time this had happened, nor would it be the last. The man wasn’t paranoid, he’d spoken to several other people about ‘The Stare’ and they’d noticed and experienced the same thing, they in turn confirmed that they’d had similar conversations with other people they knew who had also felt ‘The Stare’ upon them. It appeared to the man that people were looking for something. He wasn’t sure for what though.
Sunday, 13 April 2008

Never let it be said that NPW takes everything too seriously and only sees one side of an arguement. Here for all you Pete Doherty detractors is a little ditty called Waiting For Pete Doherty To Die by the, quite aptly named INDELICATES, very similar in sound to the Television Personalities. Enjoy you bastards!

Saturday, 12 April 2008

Friday, 11 April 2008

Thursday, 10 April 2008
Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

"Have You Got 10p ?"... A Car Boot Sale Bargain !

Monday, 7 April 2008
BACK WITH A ............