The second of two nights at the Mean Fiddler. My favourite gig of all time. And the very reason I'm doing this website. The guitars sound awesome (at times completely drowning out the vocals) as it was recorded in the mosh pit right under Bill's guitar monitor. But this gives it a mean, over-the-top vibe all of its own. Kicks off with a drunken, swaggering 'You're Gonna Change', then straight into a storming freight train-like "Sweet Water Pools'. The real stand-outs are an early version of 'Watusi Wedding', with truly evil fuzz guitar licks and surreal rantings, and epic, down and dirty versions of 'I Want Up' and 'Tracking The Dog'. The only disappointments were my drunken flatmate yelling "Oh, Yeah!" into the mike all night and the tape failing during an awesome 'Jesus Chrysler'. So good it blew my tape deck all away.
Right then, it’s me again! Just to say I’d love a live recording of a gig of theirs I went at The Marquee, not my favourite gig of all time, but one of the best live bands I’ve ever seen! All that’s left to do is to tell you where to go……………….if you want a piece of Messiahs action!
Yeah sweet stuff big thanks to Grant awesome show loads of power on Bills guitar like a juggernaut of fuzz on Watusi Wedding, and I Want Up is just mean, cheers for this can't get enough nice one NPW i'm off to melt my speakers some more Messiahs style.
Great post, I was playing some SBM BBC stuff earlier this evening,what a great band!
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I was there! Well to be 100% honest I am not sure if I went to the 1st or 2nd gig but anyways what the heck I was still THERE. I was 24 and on my big O.E.(overseas experience) from here in New Zealand. I was dossing with some other Kiwis in a flat in North Acton. I was reading a 'TNT' magazine in the flat and noticed an advertisement for the gigs and thought yeh why not I'll go. No one else in the flat wanted to go and so I had to go alone but I didn't care. So I jumped on my mountain bike and road around to The Mean Fiddler, locked up my bike and entered. Well what more can I say. I was straight and sober. Man was it LOUD! I was deaf for 2 days after that. I also saw Pink Floyd live at Wembley on August 6th 1988. And that gig blew my mind and I was also straight and sober. Great memories.
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